Kitchens of the great midwest

I’m about to end my multi day love proclamation for J Ryan Stradal but first let me get this last review out!⠀

This book was wonderful but I didn’t love it as much as Lager Queen. It took me a little longer to catch up with the plot and because the story chances perspectives every chapter I admit to getting more lost.⠀

It starts with a dad and his baby daughter and I wanted to see more of that story but tragedy strikes. The chapter changes to the baby girls aunt and uncle and the girl grows up and I got lost for a few chapters. I finally realize that the little girl is growing up chapter by chapter and we get a new perspective on someone who knows her each chapter.⠀

It was sad because sometimes I loved a perspective and just wanted more of that story but it speaks to the talent to Stradal and his ability to craft incredibly complex characters. The girl who was born to a chef and sommelier grows up to be a adolescent with a love for hot peppers and growing them who grows up to be a chef with a flair for the dramatic and love for locally grown foods and food experiences. The story is about her life, her interactions as she rises to food fame, and at the core of it, family and connection in true midwestern style.⠀

It was a great read, super fun, and highly enjoyable! I am just enamored with Stradal’s characters truly.⠀

My six word review:⠀
Good food genetics make great chefs 

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