Unpopular opinion alert 🚨 ⠀
I did not like this book. Or the TV series.⠀
Oops I said it. ⠀
My mom raved about the series so I figured I’ll read the book and then watch the show. I barely made it through the book y’all. It was so painfully angsty and boring! It was hard to follow without the quotation marks and I felt like the characters were just so unlikeable I couldn’t stand it. And where was the plot?!⠀
I hoped maybe the show would be better but it turned into a lot of moody lighting, odd camera angles, and iffy acting. I made it 3 episodes before I gave up.⠀
This book has great reviews on goodreads so I’ll admit I’m rather confused.. if you loved it tell me why below.. maybe I’ll see it in a different light. If you didn’t like it tell me below so I don’t feel so alone!!⠀
My six word review:⠀
A bit painful with unlikeable characters⠀