
’m trying to be better about being honest and not sugarcoating my reviews
I feel like I need to go through all my 3 star reviews and be honest about if they really deserve 3 stars or if I gave pity stars.
Starting with this one.
I finished it and gave it 3 stars because I didn’t want to feel mean but every time I sat down to write a review, I couldn’t come up with anything to say. (It was a sign)
Now it’s been like a month and I’m here to say this book gets 1 star.
1 star for Calvin.
0 stars for Holland.
Literally Calvin was the only reason I kept reading. Holland drove me nuts. She complained ALL THE TIME and had no sense of appreciation or gratitude for her FREE HOUSING IN NEW YORK CITY AND GUARANTEED JOB WITH NO RESUME.
The epitome of spoiled and privileged.
Ugh she was so annoying! Calvin deserved way better. He was a hard worker, had passions and dreams, knew what he wanted, didn’t take anything for granted… it was so unrealistic that he fell for Holland who just was handed a job and an apartment, has no work ethic, and complained 24/7 about not knowing what to do🙄🙄🙄🙄
So there’s that.
My six word review:
Spoiled brat somehow gets sexy musician?!

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