the problem with forever

Holy shit
Read this book
It’s so good
The queen of fantasy steam also writes a knockout YA coming of age story!
I DNFed two books before this so I was really hoping to love this one, and 10 pages in I was hooked. The story of Mallory’s strength and finding her way not just through high school but through love and PTSD and standing up for herself was beautiful. I was sobbing through the end of the book and just couldn’t put it down.
Mallory survived an abusive foster home, and now is 17 and has been adopted into a great house with great parents. Her PTSD makes speaking difficult, but she’s getting better every day. She wants to go to college, but knows that she has to be able to survive high school first so she decides to do her senior year at the local high school instead of homeschooling. The first day is hard, but she says a few words to a potential new friend, and makes it to her last class of the day. She sits down, and who sits next to her? The boy she grew up with in the abusive home, who got her her first thing that was hers, and took the hits for her and helped protect her. 👀👀👀
I just – no words. I want to tell you more but I don’t want to ruin it!
Just run and pick this book up and be prepared for an incredible story.
My six word review:
Tears of sadness, then of happiness

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