all your perfects

CoHo you did it again! You really did me dirty with this one I was not expecting to BAWL MY EFFING EYES OUT FOR AN ENTIRE BOOK BUT HERE WE ARE

It’s been a few days and I’m still not over it, clearly! This book was everything. Everything I tell ya! I related so hard to the main character Quinn, she is the personification of all my fears since I’m still only 20. I fear not being able to have kids, I entered this relationship because I saw how good my boyfriend would be as a father. I have wanted to be a mother forever. And to see her go through this and constantly want and be disappointed, it was scary. I don’t know what I would do if I found out I was unable to have children. I think I’d feel my life would end.

That is why this book was so good. CoHo just nailed that feeling of loss and grief and a deep yearning for something just out of reach.. and that struggle with Quinn and Graham over this out of reach desire.. it was just so real. And it really forced me to reconsider how I look at my relationship because if children for us is off the table.. is our love enough for eachother? Will I even love myself enough to keep on keeping on? Ugh I just.. and how frustrating it is when clearly these two just need to have a heart to heart and let down their guard with their spouse but it’s just too sensitive so they grow further apart by not talking.. so frustrating but SO REAL! These characters! So well written!! This plot, amazing! This entire book is 10/10 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ stars read it ASAP and bring tissues.

My six word review:
Open up to your loved ones

TW: pregnancy loss, infertility struggles

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