Christmas Shopaholic

This book made me take a deep look at myself and my shopping habits!

I felt like I learned a great lesson from this book when her husband says “If the grinch can take it, it’s not Christmas” and it helps put in perspective what is most important. It’s our family and the quality time together and not the presents or decorations.

Quick summary that I know doesn’t include everything this is just what I remember:
Becky is a shopohoic and just got put in charge of Christmas for her parents, who just moved to the edgy London neighborhood of Shoreditch. All the family is going through some different things and Becky is overwhelmed trying to accommodate everyone. Amongst this all, is her massive shopping problem where she just buys things 24/7 because she saw them or they were on sale.. etc. it was hard to read about after a while because yes I love to shop, but she goes shopping verniers and seems pretty selfish. I wasn’t a huge fan of the main character Becky.

I think I originally gave this book 4 stars in the moment but now that it’s been a few days since give it ⭐️⭐️⭐️ stars because I don’t remember much of the book and it’s only been a few days and I realize just how much I dislike Becky. Idk this just wasn’t my favorite but I’d seen so much about it and I’m glad I read it!

My six word review:
There are better Christmas-y books TBH.

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