Things you save in a fire

My favorite part of joining #bookstagram has been reading books I never would’ve found without it! Things You Save In A Fire is one of those books! I ordered it as an add on to my BOTM after seeing so many #bookstagramreccomends and it was so dang good!

This book should come with trigger warnings: sexual assault, prescription drug abuse, drug overdose

The dynamic between men and women in the workplace, particularly a male dominated workplace, was so accurate and well written. It was both heartbreaking and empowering, to see how Cassie handles herself in this zone. The whole story was actually really relatable to me, especially in how Cassie handled herself with her attacker and dealing with her assault. Her struggles to open up and be open to love were only compounded by her workplace expectations. I loved watching her open up to the Rookie and fall in love and I cried through his entire accident, hospital stay, and all the way through the last chapter/epilogue. With zero shame. It was amazing. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ stars!

My six word review:
True strength is found in vulnerability

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